Land grading in Florida is a useful way of creating a pond or lake on a property. Ponds are constructed not only by digging down into the soil, but also by building up the area around the pond. Typically part of the pond receives rainwater runoff, so the surrounding land has to be shaped in such a way that the water flows to the pond. 407-901-5656
There are two primary reasons for land grading in Florida. First and foremost is proper water drainage. Land grading allows you to use gravity to your advantage, directing all rainfall and stormwater runoff to a low-lying, out-of-the-way location, preferably one that connects to a pond or county drain. Grading for proper water drainage not only prevents floods from occurring in your home, garage or barn, but also promotes the health of any gardens, orchards or pastures. Land grading is also important on roadways and driveways in order to prevent water from collecting on them and causing vehicles to slide.
The second common reason to adjust the slope of the land is for erosion control. Erosion control means stabilizing the land to stop the topsoil—and all of the nutrients contained within—from slipping away. Specifically, land grading stabilizes the land by reducing the slope, thus reducing the runoff velocity. Slower-moving water is less powerful and less likely to strip the soil so easily.

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Once a house is constructed, clean sand is imported and spread around the house so it is nice and smooth and ready to plant grass or install sod.
Screened top soil is absolutely the best material to use, but it is very expensive. 95% of the time customers just use clean bank sand for two main reasons:
It is clean and free of sticks and roots and clay.
It is the quickest and easiest material to spread out because it doesn’t clump up from the tacky clay material.
For the most part there are three different types of sand:
Top soil (the top 18 inches of soil, which has sticks and roots, but is rich in organics)
The sand that is below the top soil
And bank sand (sand where a creek or riverbed used to be)
When Brownies Grading Florida builds a pad, we scrape all the top soil away from the house pad area, so after the construction of the house is complete, this top soil can be used to spread over the clay material that the house pad was built with. This soil is rich in organics from existing sticks and roots.
We are the best company for any grading in Central Florida or any where in the area
Land Grading Florida | Grading Services Florida | Grading Companies Florida